A Week of Firsts

3 01 2010

So this is what happens when you get a week off with no plans to do or go anywhere — per se.

Here are theĀ 9 things I’ve never done before, never thought I would or expected to, but … did in the past 7 days that I was off! (Sorry, I didn’t make it 10. But 9 is still pretty good for just one week)

9. Fixed a turkey in a 24-inch cooking range. Check.
8. Went to the Brooklyn Museum to see the “Who shot rock and roll” exhibit. Check.
7. Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. Check.
6. Had a fried hamburger at the Chip Shop in Brooklyn Heights (Awful, unless you relish swallowing a teaspooful of cooking oil with every bite.)
5. Had fried haddock and mushy peas in the Park Slope chip shop. (MUCH better!)
4. Went to see the Silk Road exhibit at AMNH.
3. Went on a pub crawl in the LES.
2. Cooked a prime rib roast in a 24-inch oven.

And the No. 1 thing I got to do that I’ve never done before???

1. Went to a Banya. Which really was Spa 88 on Fulton Street. Sat in a 200-degree sauna, got birch branches whacked all over me, then doused myself with ice cold water.


Hello 2010!